Plus.Lung.Nodule is a software as a medical device (SaMD) with a function for indicating pulmonary regions of interest (ROIs). Plus.Lung.Nodule is designed to improve the visibility of lung nodules.
Users can change the ROI indication through standard values in the user settings. Users can also change the ROI name (DICOM standard) and indication style (such as outline color) in the system settings.
Plus.Lung.Nodule can process DICOM-series images that satisfy all of the following conditions: image resolution 512X512 or higher, both lung or each lung, maximum slice thickness 5mm and at least 32 slices. Plus.Lung.Nodule does not have functions for judging the clinical importance, urgency or malignancy of ROIs. The radiologist is responsible for determining if the ROI is a lesion of clinical significance.